Hello 2017 ... Let's do this!
Now, let's do this! 2017 is here and ready to go, and we are too. This year is looking to be a great year for Bold and Radiant and to st

Oh the colours ... Fall Fashion Shoot
Oh the fall, one of my favorite times of the year. When else do you get to wake up and need to put a sweater on, then to only have to...

New Session Spotlight ... Fine Art ... OK a little NSFW
This is a session I couldn't wait to share. This amazing women was a referral from a past client whom we had also done some fine art work...

So much fun the last time... So let's do it again!
Last year we thought we would do something different, what came out of this thought was themed sessions, the first one that came to mind...

New Session Spot Light! ... Bridal Boudoir
One of the great things about this time of year / season is all the weddings! Brides take all this time to find a dress, find the...

Water Works!!!! Pembroke Boudoir, Petawawa Boudoir, Boudoir Photography
Over the past few days we've been "knee deep" (pun intended :-) with our newest project. Over the next month we will be working on our...

Store front Studio?
Store front Studio vs At Home Studio. You know it’s a funny thing, as a photographer you are always looking at what’s best for your...

Women are Beautiful
Todays photo shoot was a great example of why boudoir photography can make a women feel empowered and beautiful. We setup our consult at...

50 shades of what???
With one of our recent couples shoot we did, our client let us take what they liked about our style and find one that worked well for...

Boudoir Marathon Jan 24th/25th
We have had a lot of requests this year to host a marathon, so we have decided to have our first Boudoir Marathon, giving all you lovely...